Tic... | Teen Ink


March 7, 2009
By GabbyWuvsPuddin BRONZE, Waterbury, Connecticut
GabbyWuvsPuddin BRONZE, Waterbury, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If only time was an actual clock
the rythm of time would be a calming yet pestering
tic toc
The sound festering in your brain
If only you could control the hands
The dial up for grabs with you the final beholder
You become the instuctor of time
Fast forward stop oh wait rewind
bring back the moment that second
redo anyway youd want it
Time is your pet
You are the devilish master
Control is at you will
But with power your mind will melt
insanity will be your master
would you let it get that far?
what would you do
what would you replay remake
reawake this disaster
But the problem with all this power is

tic toc its over

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