The Falling Man | Teen Ink

The Falling Man

June 16, 2016
By Guillermo219 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Guillermo219 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My 5th period just ended and I was very eager of going to 6th period since it’s the last class of the day. As I walk to my 6th period during my passing period, I give all my friends all see handshakes and high fives.


I finally arrive to my 6th period class. I get a warm-up sheet since we always have to answer a question the teacher shows on the projector. The bell hasn’t rung yet so that gave me a chance to talk to my partner that sits right in front of me.

“Aye man, is Peter here?” I asked.

“Yeah, I had 5th period with him but I think he went to the bathroom,” my friend said.

“Oh, okay,” I said with a smile of evil.


As I’m answering the warm-up question Peter arrives. He’d just barely made it in time before the bell rang. He gets his warm-up sheet and starts walking towards his chair which is right next to me. I quickly tap my front partner on his shoulder and say, “watch this man.”


Peter pulls out his chair and as soon as he’s about to sit down I yank his chair out of his way. That makes him fall to the floor and everyone just laughs so loud. He gets up very mad looking at me. His face is very red and he looks like if he wants to beat me up.

“Guillermo step outside for me,” says my teacher with a very angry attitude.

I go and step outside and right behind me he’s there waiting for me to go outside.

“Guillermo why the hell did you do that?” says my teacher.

“I don’t know I just that it’ll be funny to do it,” I said.

“Well when that bell rings you stay in your seat until I dismiss you,” said the teacher.

I nod my head at him and go back inside.


The lesson I learned from this was not to mess around in class because it can lead to consequences. And a classroom is to learn and not mess around. But until this day I still remember it and it’s still funny.

The author's comments:

This article is about how i thought it would be funny if i made my friend fall out of his chair but it only got me a detention afterschool.

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