Summer Night | Teen Ink

Summer Night

March 4, 2016
By BeanBunBunny PLATINUM, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
BeanBunBunny PLATINUM, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
27 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith - 2 Timothy 4:7

Heaven breathes out and out
Up and up filling my little blue balloon
Glowing lantern balloon
Where wild things grow and spill around
And I stretch in sleek silence on a pillow
Of thick fog and clouds


Pins shy away in the sky
From a white monster prowling the night
Climbing high and far away
Ocean waves of collected individuals
Move to paint the sky like green bristles


Things scatter and skitter around the bodies
Of mighty warriors resolute in their ways
Pattering and pittering, winging and swinging
Off through the darkness into a place
That never sleeps or dreams
But is so vastly alive and connected to life


My glowing lantern balloon
Gardened with life
The black canvas of night
Full of coldness
An ocean of ancients standing
Moving with life
This is the Summer Night


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