Our Peak: a villanelle | Teen Ink

Our Peak: a villanelle

January 22, 2016
By YungEtiope39 BRONZE, Helena, Montana
YungEtiope39 BRONZE, Helena, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The restlessness approached hysteria"~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

There in the valley stands our peak,
Resolute and unyielding
Tis not a good time to be weak.

Hear ice soulfully groan and creak
Silent only under the wind
There in the valley stands our peak.

Jutting ridgeline like a bird’s beak
Long deep caverns not seen by man
Tis not a good time to be weak.

Respect the legend’s summit streak
But know the mountain doesn’t care
There in the valley stands our peak.

See the skis so polished and sleek
Creeping and carving through the snow
Tis not a good time to be weak.

Play with the best and hear them shriek
Find a tempo and mind the ledge
There in the valley stands our peak
Tis not a good time to be weak.

The author's comments:

This a villanelle poem, which has 19 lines of five tercets followed by a quatrain.

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