Addicted | Teen Ink


January 27, 2009
By MissMarie PLATINUM, Fruitland Park, Florida
MissMarie PLATINUM, Fruitland Park, Florida
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love is just a word, until you find someone to give it definition"...

Im hustlin' for life
why not make it worse
i've been beatin' and stabbed
all them really hurt
Yet I choose to be a
fool and break all the rules
care what no one says
worry for my life everyday
I look at my son and see my flesh in my eyes is he gonna see me grow old with him or bend over and die
I wish life could be better
and I wasnt addicted to the game
I dont really care cause i have no shame, just yet another season of bitter cold and regret, my bodies getting old, i feel my life will soon be put to rest.

The author's comments:
This poem came to while thinking of my past and looking at myself now seeing how much i've grown and changed for the best.


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