My Grandmother | Teen Ink

My Grandmother

June 15, 2015
By Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was not like other grandmothers. She was quaint and amiable but she didn’t give me candy or spoil me. She was sweet and humorous yet strict at the same time. My grandmother was very opinionated, but she was generous and you knew you could always count on her. When she died, my heart never felt so much pain. At first, my tears were like a river flowing down my cheeks. Then it was as if my heart swelled with a sea of tears. My heart was being rung out like a wet cloth. All the feelings and emotions I had were gone. The only thing I felt was grief. It took months to wash the pain away. Although I cannot see her now, I feel her presence and hold her close in my memory. 

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