A Rose | Teen Ink

A Rose

June 15, 2015
By Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Julianna4999 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s not just a flower that is a beautiful, ostentatious red.  It is a name. A name that is sweet and sophisticated. It is my mother’s maiden name. It is the name of my cousin. It is my confirmation name. It symbolized so much more than love. It symbolizes the generations of love that my family has, from my great grandmother all the way to me. 
I felt blessed that I was able to select Rose as my confirmation name. I could make myself a Rose like the generations of my family before me. I felt as giddy as a kid opening presents on Christmas when the priest finally named me Rose on my confirmation day. I will now be forever remembered as a Rose. I can feel the pride of my family name.

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