Good Times Gone | Teen Ink

Good Times Gone

May 29, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

My good times with you are gone,
Yet something has just begun
Something that will cause me
to have lots and lots of fun
You may think it’s summer,
but when summer’s all over and done,
I shall go on and practice,
to be the number one
I plan on being a teacher, a singer,
or perhaps a pharmacist
And all that you have taught me,
will give me a great assist
I promise you won't be forgotten,
in my heart you’ll always be missed
But I can’t go on boo-hooing
‘cause my future does exist
As the years progress,
I shall grow older
Aimed for success,
I shall grow bolder
While my life is at it’s dawn
I will remember all those good times gone

The author's comments:

Byfar my favorite poem I'v wrote. I use it in goodbye cards to my teachers and it really expresses me. I'm so proud of it.

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