Breathing Acid... | Teen Ink

Breathing Acid...

May 25, 2015
By Maddie Aman BRONZE, Lyons, New York
Maddie Aman BRONZE, Lyons, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The scars are always there

But noone seems to care..

Its like I'm trying to breathe but I'm not breathing air

It's like breathing acid...

All the pain and suffering I keep bottled up inside,

But all I can do is run and hide..


People say I'm worthless and self harm is just for attention

But trust me, the attentions what I'm hiding from...

I hate being called fut, ugly, worthess, and more

The words are like knives piercing my heart

And they leave me here just falling apart

Everyone I've ever come to love ends up hating me

They hurt me and blame me for everything


I'm slowly giving up...

I've already ruined my body so what's one more cut? 

I keep cutting my skin like its paper

"Maybe you should just cut deeper..."

I hear them say, "Nothing lasts forever, you won't always feel the same"

But if that's true why can't I stop feeling this way?

My therapist think I'm better because I talk about my friends

But to be honest nothings making me want to stay,

The pain never seems to end...


So now I'm sitting here, legs dangling off the edge

"Do it already, noones going to miss you. Your worthless, if anyone cared they would've helped by now'

The voices in my head to me again... I can't take this more

So I stand and stap a little closer...

"Hurry up you stupid loser"

I take my final breath but once again I'm just breathing acid

And slowly I seem to be fading,

I'm fading...


I jump


But then I wake up.

This was all just a dream...

Then I think to myself,

"Back to the real nightmare"

The author's comments:

Sorry, there are some kinks I need to edit. Anyways, I wrote this because this is honestly how I feel sometimes. I'm really sorry if any of you feel this way too... I wanted to write something relatable, although I hope noons can relate to this... I'm here for anyone who needs it, and I want you to know it gets better <3 life may be a nightmare but you always wake up.. And trust me, when you do, all this pain is gunna be worth all the happiness that follows..

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