just a game | Teen Ink

just a game

April 2, 2015
By Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This feels like just a game
You want all the fame
But in reality it’s just so lame.
Why would you want to put someone through all that pain?
Are you having fun right now?
Calling her a cow?
Picking at her flaws.
But what was the cause?
All the things you were saying were so false
Is it because you didn’t have a chance?
Or perhaps it’s because you weren’t the man with the pants.
You’re pointing and laughing
Having her at her desk, shaking and tapping
Does it make you feel good to see her cry?
What if you knew every night she wishes she could just die?
Does knowing that let you go to sleep at night?
That every day she has to constantly fight?
Fighting to get passed the day.
Yet, no one seems to ask her if she’s okay.
She’s all alone.
Always getting disowned
So do you feel good about yourself?
Making her feel bad about herself?
Well it’s no longer a game.
There’s no one really to blame.
No more bickering and snickering.
Enough with this silly game.
You should be ashamed.

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