Not without a Fight | Teen Ink

Not without a Fight

March 13, 2015
By JayCeeBea BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
JayCeeBea BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe you can't enjoy your life and put it into the bank, too." -Willa Cather, Neighbor Rosicky

You hope this news, I take it light,
This is but a dream, I pray,
I will not go, not without a fight.

I grasp at my home, I hold on tight,
The pain in my heart as I lay,
You hope this news, I take it light.

Before, I saw my future bright,
Until my hope began to fray,
I will not go, not without a fight.

I do not change, as you thought I might,
But there is time, so I still may,
You hope this news, I take it light.

You take this change to a new height,
And put your pain onto my tray,
I will not go, not without a fight.

It’s over now, though I still feel the bite,
And in our friendship I began to stray,
You hope this news, I take it light,
I will not go, not without a fight.

The author's comments:

My parents went through a seperation mid 2013 and it hit my mom really hard. She decided to move up towards her family and took me with her--without my consent. This poem is a short summary of my year with my mom, which ended with me moving in with my dad... It was a really hard year, and this villanelle poem describes how I felt throughout it.

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