Friends | Teen Ink


February 25, 2015
By Natalia Kruszczak BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Natalia Kruszczak BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friends can be good, friends can be great,
They're an important part of one's fate.
Friends lift you up and stand by your side,
They are always there and will never hide.

Friends will always listen and laugh at any joke,
Even if it is so funny that they begin to choke.
Friends will give you advice and someone to talk to,
They can even make you smile when you're busy feeling blue.

Friends are essential to a happy lifetime,
They are there at all times, never part-time.
So be sure to appreciate your friends before it's too late,
Because as we all know, friends can be good and friends can be great.

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