I am... | Teen Ink

I am...

January 2, 2015
By StormChaserGirl01 BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
StormChaserGirl01 BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
3 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

I am broken, but I will be fixed. I am not perfect, but I am able to recognize that. I am hurting, but I won’t let him destroy my world. I am depressed, but I can still laugh. I am a crier, but I never hide my feelings for others. I am lonely, but I am not alone. I am stressed, but I am smart. I am flawed, but I am talented. I am here, but one day I’ll be there. I am scared, but I still stand. I am young, but I am wise. I am sometimes helpless, but I help others. I am too giving, but I am not a thief. I am quirky, but I am expressive. I am chatty, but I speak meaningful words. I cannot believe the truths I tell others to be true for myself, but I one day believe in seeing my own light. I am told by my brain that I am worthless, but I am told by my heart that I’m worth so much more. I am Jordan, but I am me.


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