An Ode to Life | Teen Ink

An Ode to Life

December 3, 2014
By Robertopablonoel BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
Robertopablonoel BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To what or who do I owe this life,
is it to my father’s loving wife?
or Is this just filial piety?
and do I owe it to a deity?
there must be more to it,
for what’s the point of living through it?
we all just want to find the meaning,
we will not settle with just being,
all these years we have been thinking,
philosophising, pondering, preaching,
yet we can’t come to agree,
on what it is to be,
to live,
such a shame it is,
that after thousands of years,
all we’re left with are the tears,
of those who lost their family and peers,
in the wars of people who don’t agree,
on what it is to simply be.

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