That Night | Teen Ink

That Night

October 31, 2014
By JoyousCelly BRONZE, Amritsar, Other
JoyousCelly BRONZE, Amritsar, Other
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness was but just a brief episode in the general drama of pain (life)

When I woke up in the morning,
I realized the night had been a blur.
And as soon as my body odour reached my nostrils, I knew I could use a shower.
After the bath I felt as well as smelled quiet good,
But I didn’t have the slightest idea of what I could have done the night before,
Before waking in my completely messed up room,
For me, I knew that this sudden loss of memory meant nothing but doom.
So I tried hard and harder still, trying to remember,
The things that could have occurred before I got dragged into slumber.
Well, last night I had come home from work and having instant noodles for dinner,
And oh, I was watching the latest season of that T.V. soap, “The Sinner”.
And just then I heard a bell, but was it the door or the phone?
But no one could visit at such a late hour
And beside in my locality, I wasn’t that well-known.
So, yes, it was the phone that rang,
But I don’t remember receiving the call as I heard a loud “bang”.
Yeah, I think the noise came from the upper apartment,
And I recall being left in utter astonishment;
Wondering which idiot on the earth was playing basketball at 9o’clock at night,
And then I started cursing my plight.
Well, now my memory was working faster,
And then, then, oh, I remember it, I was covered in plaster;
Because of all the tapping, and partially due to my apartment’s not-so- stable ceiling
And I rushed up the staircase
Quiet forgetting my plaster-covered face
And when I knocked at the door, I saw a kid,
Who thought he saw a ghost and so hid,
Behind the door, then came a man, saying “What’s the matter, Kareem?”
But as soon as he got a glimpse of me, he let out a loud scream.
And then he closed the door in my face.
And I soon fell down with no possible trace,
of life. Oh, so, that’s what happened last night
I might have been carried to my apartment by someone kind.
Well everything’s well that ends well.
And then rung the door bell
I opened the door, it was my friend, Lizzie.
She asked me “Do you still feel dizzy?”.
“Why would I?!” I said,
“Because last night you banged your head,
And I came and put you to bed.”
But how could it be?
I thought I had figured it out, you see,
Lizzie said “Last night you said something about plaster in your sleep,
And then you cursed your plight and started to weep”.
She said “Now let’s have tea and cream”.
And that moment I realized that I had seen a fascinating dream.

The author's comments:

The unconcious and the unknown can be funny as well as horrible.


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