The Light in the Dark | Teen Ink

The Light in the Dark

July 23, 2014
By Jesusfreak1198 BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
Jesusfreak1198 BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You never know how strong you are till staying strong is the only choice you have." ~unknown

You are overwhelmed with self-doubt. It's as if you are in an emotional drought. Your eyelids are completely dry, because you have run out of tears to cry. You have no energy anymore; all the negative emotions make you sore. You feel so torn; You are just flat out worn. You keep getting knocked down hard, leaving you bruised and scarred. You just want to give in, but at the same time you do not want to let Satan win. You know God is your Savior and light, but you are beginning to lose sight. Why is he letting terrible things happen to me? Doesn't he listen and see? YOu think the storm won't quit, but then the light is lit. For a miracle is born; he comes to save your heart that is worn. He leaps into your heart, not letting anyone rip you apart. He whispers that you are his son or daughter, then proves it by walking on water. He then changes you entire life, cutting away your sin like a knife. For he forgives you, and enables you to forgive yourself too. With him your life is changed forever, because our Lord is so clever. He somehow knows everything about you, and is with you in times of struggle too. He is my father, my friend, my rock, and when I hear that last tick of the clock, whether I am 15 or 87, I cannot wait to meet my miracle worker in heaven.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by one of my close friends. She was going through a really tough time then I shared Jesus with her. He shined his light and she turned her entire life around. I was able to baptize her two months later. This piece was to show that even in the darkest place as she had been, with Jesus, anything is possible.

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