Untitled | Teen Ink


July 8, 2014
By MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" You only fail when you stop writing." Ray Bradbury

There was a shadow
Hiding from the light of day
In the waters that were shallow
Where none would play.

It waited for a friend
Another shadow
With a hand to lend
Down where the water was shallow.

No one came, though it stayed
The shadow becoming older
But it continued to pray
As the water became colder

The light went down.
The shadow followed
Not making a sound
As the water bellowed.

Days come and gone.
The shadow grew small.
As it sang a sad song
The water let out a call.

Help, help, it cried.
The shadow grew smaller.
Slowly it died
But the water grew taller.

It rose so high.
The shadow grew weak.
But the water wouldn’t let it die
Proving it was not meek.

Higher and higher it rose.
The shadow now sparks.
The water grows
Taking away the dark.

Light burst through
The shadow started to freeze .
The water does too
And it follows a breeze.

The wind takes it away
The shadow too
To a sunny day
Where light comes through.

Light fills the shadow.
It breaks.
The water no longer shallow
As it fills a lake.

A ray of sun is made
Burning bright.
Where the lake is laid
A shadow becomes light.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to all those in my life who helped a little shadow find the light.

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