3 A.M. | Teen Ink

3 A.M.

May 9, 2014
By JoannaMichele SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
JoannaMichele SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I live for our talks beneath the moon
When the world is silent in the dead of night
The crickets hum a lovely chorus
And our words paint a picture of simplicity.

When the world is silent in the dead of night
Our hands are clasped together
And our words paint a picture of simplicity.
Under the day’s end, we can start our future.

Our hands are clasped together,
You kiss my forehead and play with my hair.
Under the day’s end, we can start our future
Your voice lulls me into a steal fortress of solace

You kiss my forehead and play with my hair
It’s 3 AM and I have you in my arms
Your voice lulls me into a steal fortress of solace
The stars fuel the flame that has already started

It’s 3 AM and I have you in my arms
The crickets hum a lovely chorus,
The stars fuel the flame that has already started
I live for our talks beneath the moon.

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