A New Year | Teen Ink

A New Year

December 1, 2008
By Rita Boghos SILVER, Glendale, California
Rita Boghos SILVER, Glendale, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Here it goes,
Hold your breath, don’t let it show.
A new year, amazing right?
Hold on now, don’t get ahead.
I said amazing, did I mean it?
Look around, no, stop!
Don’t stare at the ground?
Ignorance wont make him found.


Are you keeping up?
I’m saying look around, he’s not here.
Are you hurting enough or should I go on?

He’s with her now; he’s in her arms...
Picture that, you can’t stop now..
You gasp for air, starring at your corpse
Look there, that person’s holding your heart…
They took it away, heartless right?
Left you behind, desperate and white..


Are you lifeless yet? But I’m not done…
Take a glance and keep in mind,
With every ring there’s a match…
Where’s your hand? Put it up.
Where’s your ring? She’s wearing it right?


Get ready, a new year is near.
Oh come on, where’re you running?
Wait, no, that’s not the restroom.
Are you so blinded by your tears?
That you can’t even read the sign?

You seemed surprised, why is that?
Yes, I know. Your reflection is pathetic.
Didn’t you know he’s the bullet to your heart?
Your only weakness to a human mind?

Do you hear them counting down?
You’re crying even harder, wow!
Is it because you know he’s not coming now?
Or just the fact he’s never around on days like these,
When the world cries from joy, and you weep from loneliness.


They wrapped each other,
Sealed the year with a kiss of goodbye.
There goes another, for a new start.

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