He Stares | Teen Ink

He Stares

December 1, 2008
By Miamilee GOLD, Hewitt, New Jersey
Miamilee GOLD, Hewitt, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He stares down at the water so crystal clear
Reflection-image of what he sees
He stares down in confusion and uncertainty
Questions come and go with no answers to hold on to
He becomes angry with a blind rage not knowing why

He stares down at the water so crystal clear
Reflection-the image of what he hates to see
He turns the anger to sadness and despair
Hoping that he can find happiness and clarity
He doesn’t and he falls to his knees

He stares down at the water so crystal clear
Reflection-the image he can no longer ignore
He sobs letting it all loose and become broken
Wishing that it would all end now
He contemplates death and the bitter joy it could bring

He stares down at the water so crystal clear
Reflection-the image he doesn’t want anymore
He stares and stares not looking anywhere else
Telling himself that if he stares hard enough
He might see something to cling to

He stares at the reflection that is his
He looks up and sees the horizon in the distant
The beautiful glorious horizon that captures his attention
He stands up and picks up a rock throwing it into the water
Ruining the reflection, making it ripple away to nothing

He turns and walks away from the water
And heads towards the horizon
Reflection-the water so crystal clear

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