the labryinth | Teen Ink

the labryinth

November 28, 2008
By Anonymous

an inescapable abyss,
the parallel dimension to this,
or is it ones' minds creathion
a wallowing of self-pity and sorrow
the very rut human kind
time and time agin expells itself into
even the strongest can not allude it's walls
self examination conquers all
the spiraling cavern like paths
misleading ones mind
tricking ones heart
one is never out; but yet not in
the labryinth is only what one makes it
whether it be suffering or torture
a lightless, lifeless chamber
or a sheer cloud making all light dim
but what is your labryinth?
how will you escape it's gorgons gaze?
how will you run from it's alluring song?
I can assure you, the labryinth gets all.
We Are All Going.

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