Wrecked Heart | Teen Ink

Wrecked Heart

April 4, 2014
By flowerone SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
flowerone SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." -Maya Angelou

Amazing how a person can go from caring to not
Hysterical to know that your feelings for someone stopped
Not the fact that I never cared
Just that you couldn’t bare
You wasn’t strong enough for me
I couldn’t make you see
That my love is deep
But I’m my lover’s enemy
I was there for you when you had the flu
I was there when you didn’t know what to do
I guided you
Told you I`ll stay
But that doesn’t matter anymore because now I’m gone away
You pushed me to the edge
Right over a cliff
“I can find someone else” is what you said
And that drove me swift
You couldn’t appreciate a human who was only human
We being lovers were only an illusion
I’m gone and I’m not coming back
Cause you had my love and took advantage of that

The author's comments:
This is for people who have been hurt and used. for people who have been neglected by love or wrecked by the wicked love carriers.

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