Hidden Beneath | Teen Ink

Hidden Beneath

February 6, 2014
By MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
MarisaGonzalez SILVER, Wethersfield, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" You only fail when you stop writing." Ray Bradbury

Beneath the murk,
Beneath the sea,
Hides a world
From you and me.

From the surface
One could see
A web of branches
As wondrous as can be.

There is more.
A whole garden
At its core.

Flowers grow.
Creatures roam.
For thousands
It is home.

Families form.
Children play.
A city thrives,
Growing every day.

Under the surface,
Just below your feet,
Is this world,
Hidden beneath

The author's comments:
This was inspired by Cider Oak Landing in Hartford, Ct.

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