I'm in Love and Only She Knows | Teen Ink

I'm in Love and Only She Knows

January 22, 2014
By Chris Dibble SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
Chris Dibble SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m in love and only she knows.
I’ve been in love for some time,
The strongest hugs and a fresh cut rose.

She’ll give a kiss while on her toes.
I’ll hold her snug and walk the line.
I’m in love and only she knows.

Her heart is warm, others froze.
I’m her love, she is mine.
The strongest hugs and a fresh cut rose.

Through the highs, through the lows,
Blows kisses like the wind blows bells.
I’m in love and only she knows.

The scent of purity on her clothes,
This kind of love is hard to find.
The strongest hugs and a fresh cut rose.

If you were me it’s her you would choose.
Her heart, her touch, presence is kind.
I’m in love and only she knows.
The strongest hugs and a fresh cut rose.

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