The Prodigal Son | Teen Ink

The Prodigal Son

November 27, 2013
By Anonymous

I'm beginning to understand
That I built my life on the sand
Like the story of the prodigal son
I've left and feel completely done
His story is my own
I feel utterly alone
Then I remember my loving dad
To be His servant wouldn't be as bad
I'd rather be his slave
Than to walk the road I paved
But when I get there
All I can do is stare
My Father's running to me
His smiling face is all I see
I tell Him that I'm His servant
I expect him to start to rant
But he just holds me tight
And says I'm forgiven in His sight
He made me feel whole
And gives rest to my soul
He has shown me love
And that is more than enough
He loved me first
And satisfies my thirst
He is with me everyday
So with him I will stay
I will serve him forever
And regret it never
It's by His grace I'm healing
And his love always feeling

The author's comments:
I thank God everyday for never giving up on me.

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