My Buddy | Teen Ink

My Buddy

December 8, 2013
By CJ Berg BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
CJ Berg BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anger, frustration, and regret flood my mind,
As I walk in my door and see my dog,
His joy and love make me realize I am blind
To the great life I have in front of me.

Eight years have passed since he first came home,
But he has not grown old in my eyes,
For his love has covered our family like a dome
Protecting us from heartbreak, stress, and depression.

He is like a lone candle,
In a dark, harsh, and windy world
Pushing me to the limits I can barely handle,
He is the force that keeps my wheels turning.

That 75-pound ball of joy and brown fur,
Seemingly unfazed by the world around him,
Will always be for sure,
My best friend I will ever have.

The author's comments:
My Dog always has my back, so I wrote a poem for my best bud.

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