Yellow Tape | Teen Ink

Yellow Tape

November 20, 2013
By Speaker BRONZE, Winterport, Maine
Speaker BRONZE, Winterport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Behind this yellow tape
The police have put up
I won’t ever escape
These visions.

They won’t let me through
I know that you need me
I need to get to you
But I can’t.

I see you lying on the ground
With death in your eyes
You don’t make a sound
I’m afraid.

Though I cry and I scream
It makes no difference
Tears come in streams
Today it rains.

Like chalk on the pavement
Is washed away by rain
The heavenly descent
Shatters my hope.

They take you from me
In a harsh white car
Now you are free
And gone.

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