Romeo & Juliet | Teen Ink

Romeo & Juliet

November 16, 2013
By Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
Chaddrick BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When all is said and done, more is said than done.

We were creatures of the night,
Oh, how we longed to see the stars.
Oh, to love you wasn’t right,
But we are just who we are.

I needed you forever,
But our fates had been sealed.
Oh, though we longed to stay together,
Our truth must be concealed.

Oh, Juliet of modern times,
Your Romeo has arrived,
And no words or silly rhymes,
Would brighten up our lives.

Oh, though we tried to take control,
We failed in horrid fashion.
Still we rose, despite our foes,
In flaming, fiery passion.

Oh, how those flames would turn to hell,
And enclose us in our doom.
Oh, how our open hearts would swell,
And sudden death would loom.

I swallowed poisonous sorrow,
And stretched upon the floor.
Only to awaken on the morrow,
And find Juliet no more.

Oh, I gazed upon the that floor,
And I couldn’t come to grip,
The gruesome truth and more,
So still I kissed your poisoned lips.

Oh, Juliet dead on the floor,
How you caused the tears to start.
Now wait for me on heaven’s door,
For we shall never be apart.

Oh, foolish love if so divine,
I was blessed more than I was smart.
Oh, how I cherished all our time;
I can’t mend this broken heart.

Now what was heat has turned to cold,
And crows have formed from doves;
So may this bullet pierce my soul
And show my flowing love.

The author's comments:
This piece is inspired by Romeo and Juliet, it is an interpretation of the ending of Shakespeare's classic. This piece is written from the point of view of Romeo and it is much like a suicidal last letter to Juliet. This poem, just like the real Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy but that's the beauty of it.

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