A Broken Spell | Teen Ink

A Broken Spell

October 31, 2013
By AlyssaWard BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
AlyssaWard BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A cool spring breeze shakes the trees
forewarning of a seasonal storm
Stirring up a humid wind
and bringing the smell of earthly rain
Splattering the green ground
polka-dotting her clothes

She welcomes the wretched storm
dancing and frolicking in the rain
watching the leaves fall from the trees
fluttering to the ground
sticking to her soaked clothes
stiffening in the chilled wind

They had gone years without rain
Suffering dry and dusty wind
Dirt covering the ground
and caked in their clothes
No salvation in a storm
that starved the trees

Her hair whips in the wild wind
shaking her baggy clothes
and the leaves on the trees
Invoking hope of a storm
and an onslaught of rain
that will dampen the ground

They all bought new clothes
after the flowers blossomed from the ground
and leaves peppered the trees
Fighting against the gentle wind
another savior of a storm
bringing the relief of rain

A fresh verdure ground
and beautiful golden trees
unharmed from the wind
and the pelting rain
Happy with the storm
wearing brand new clothes

Clothes covered in rain
The trees shedding leaves on the ground
The welcoming wind of another storm

The author's comments:
This piece is part of a poetry notebook I wrote. My theme was seasons. This poem is inspired by the season Spring.

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