Possessed | Teen Ink


October 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Rendered speechless by the sudden movement

The swish and flick of the candles wick

Frightening shadows on the wall; end to end

Evil and cruelty; fast and slick

Trapped in an invisible boundary; devoid of strength and hope

No chance to escape; every turn reveals a locked door

My life’s clinging desperately on a tattered rope

Who knows, in future, what’s in store?

Stunned with astonishment; unable to speak

Heart beating fast; pumping with a start

Shadows everywhere, shadows of death

Mocking and taunting; the fear will never leak

Surrounded by darkness, stranded in it

Not a teeny bit of hope;not even the candle which itself evokes

Wishing for more; pleading for life

But everything is impossible in this world where we have to strive hard to survive

Do desires of men actually come true?

Then why am I stuck in this hazardous hue?

Question after question, flooding into my mind

Does this happen to all of my kind?

Why am I the one invaded with evil?

A creature of gloom; my life’s going down a steeple

Unfolding in the darkness; grasped in its arms

Holding it tightly; showering pain like a storm

I can’t say that my life’s any longer mine
Soon, I will be possessed, possessed for good

Possessed by the evil spirit which encircles the room

No light, just shadows an uneasy presence around

I can taste the eagerness of the creature in the air

While it feeds on my helplessness, hopelessness and despair

The very same thoughts come back to me

“Why me?” my heart cries “Why me?”

A whiff of air and the candle is blown

Ice cold fingers grasp my bare throat

How can I describe the agony and pain?

I am soon going to crack under the strain

The room is plunged in darkness and gloom

Representing my life which has come to a doom

Halted and obstacled, trapped in the hands of one

Whose tight grip wouldn’t allow anyone to run

I was being pushed into terror and pain

But why such pain when there will be no gain?

How is like to feel but not to see?

The distress of being overcome by cruelty

Finally, the creature thought it had tortured me enough`
It grasped by hands tightly and came another shot of pain

But this was gladly the final torment

My life was just about to end

A jerk and a jolt and a twinge of shock

I could now see the creature; and it was smirking with mock

Entering into me causing unbearable throe

From this world I am soon going to go

My soul was jolted back and became a mere shadow on the wall

And watched in helplessness as the new owner of my body shoved it out

Soon my own body turned towards me, a wicked smile in its face, never seen before

I howled into the shadows and cried out loud

Sunk into the cold hard ground

Still, my darkest memory is that day

When my life had gone astray….

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This article has 7 comments.

kiky said...
on Nov. 17 2008 at 4:51 pm

GrEat said...
on Nov. 14 2008 at 5:01 pm
its definetly a gud poem...it is like the work of a proffessional

on Nov. 12 2008 at 4:58 pm
this should definetely be published in the ink magazine!! it rox..how can they not publish it?its simply amzing..incredible..fanatastic..gr8!roking!and unbeatable

XELXO said...
on Oct. 14 2008 at 9:17 am
Aaiza..........this poem is AWESOME!!! like, completely

bUtTeRfLy said...
on Oct. 12 2008 at 8:17 am
this poem is incredible..

on Oct. 12 2008 at 7:10 am
heyy aaiza this poem rox, it's awesome, i love it!! ure a gr8 poet, rock on!! =)

Verka-San said...
on Oct. 10 2008 at 9:55 pm
Well. . . . I guess it's nice....bt i dont really understand wat it means...........!!! bt itz still really nice :)