Strong!? | Teen Ink


July 12, 2013
By Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to want it, to achieve it"

Strong!? You an't no strong man! More like dog who takes girls and turn their life into fog. Innocent turns into rebel because of you. Luxurious life turns into crude, horrible angry life. Madre said "wrong path." Padre said "wrong choice." I say "Its my choice." Putting aside my past, its time to use my voice, time to use my power. Embarissing, terrible, dangerous agressive is what you are. Strong!? Huh! Strong should be for those girls who survive your traumitizing, horrific, cruel life that you cause. Forever in jail is where you should be, never to be seen in the streets. Maybe then the sun will appear, but while men like you stay, stay causing pain, the sky will stay dark.

The author's comments:
This poem is one of my favorites. Its a poem about a topic that is not really payed attention to, exploitation. all around the world girls are expoited by pimps. I hope this poem will get out there and be read by many girls because I know how it feels like to be exploited and if you girls out there read this poem, maybe you will be able to connect with it.

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