Catching an Angel | Teen Ink

Catching an Angel

September 26, 2008
By Anonymous

The day I caught my angel, he tsked and hemmed and hawed.
"This wasn't meant to be," he groaned. "I am one blessed by God!"
"Don't feel too bad," I told him. "You're having an off day.
He wasn't quite assured by that and said, "Well, anyway,
"God told me to come down here and make you straighten up --
"I always found that difficult with those who are just pups!"
I scoffed and said, "What's that mean? Don't give me attitude!"
The angel pointed. "Ha, that there! See how you changed your mood?"
His marble features scowled; his black eyes grumbled rage.
He growled, "Lord, give me anyone but one who is teenaged!"
Pacing he walked my small den; I watched him from the couch.
His golden wings stirred nervously as he marched all about.
His fingers tapped the TV. He brushed against a shelf.
His agitation made me stand, now quite upset myself.
"Now, you see here, you angel," I hissed with upraised brow,
"I don't care what you came here for, but get yourself out now!"
The angel laughed a sad laugh, communicating grief.
He muttered, "If you knew how much I wish that I could leave!"
"Why can't you?" I inquired. He answered desperately,
"By touching me, you have caught me, and so I stay with thee."
Thrown by his old-time speaking, I barely thought to ask,
"Why not explain that to me, if it's not too hard a task?"
He smirked at my sarcasm and said, "You little girl...
"I could explain with stories that would cause your hair to curl.
"Instead, I'll tell you this: it has long been angel law
"For mortals who can touch us to be given what they saw.
"Most mortals cannot see us, and so that danger's low --
"Apparently, it's not for me, and now I'm stuck. Oh, woe!"
Once more he started pacing, gnashing his clean, white teeth.
I asked him, "Wait, how long is it that you must stay with me?"
"Till the day you die," he said, "and till then I will be
"Your guard and guide. You'll not find a more loyal friend than me."
"You swear?" I asked, amazed that such a lovely thing might stay
With such a lowly girl as me, who'd killed to get her way.
His mouth quirked in a smile; he said, "This I swear true:
"Until the day you leave the earth, I will remain with you."
I broke into a smile, and said, "Well, okay, then,
"We've gotten off on the wrong foot. We might as well be friends."
He raised his eyebrows at me and murmured, "Guess we'll see."
And since that day, I've had an angel watching over me."


This article has 7 comments.

rondo said...
on Feb. 7 2009 at 12:35 am
Great poem Abby, i loved it

Jerusalem D. said...
on Jan. 19 2009 at 3:15 pm
Wow I love it I wish you'd continued it tho I wanna know what happens next

on Oct. 4 2008 at 3:44 pm
Few can see the angel, you say. I say, Those who can, walk this earth without being in it. Guarded by bound angels, that are free.

Tracy said...
on Oct. 3 2008 at 3:52 pm
I just love this poem!

Shayne said...
on Oct. 2 2008 at 3:19 pm
An amazingly talented poet.

Lupita09 said...
on Oct. 2 2008 at 2:07 am
I absolutely LOVE this poem!! :)

crazeywriter said...
on Oct. 2 2008 at 1:46 am
Wonderful use of words! You paint a beautiful story!