My Mind | Teen Ink

My Mind

February 22, 2013
By DrepaniXIII BRONZE, Lynnfield, Massachusetts
DrepaniXIII BRONZE, Lynnfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I reject your reality, and substitute my own! - Adam Savage

To speak of all the things I hate
Is to speak a million words of debate
And in this hate there are few things I like
A world of darkness with one lone light

I hate obnoxious people and things
I hate it when the telephone rings
I hate I when there are too many people around
I hate it when to my room I am bound

But the thing I definitely hate most of all
Is the thing that traps me in and acts like a wall
My twisted, disturbed, messed up mind
The thing that leaves my true self behind

So this is me, escaping my minds fate
This is me, stepping outside the gate

The author's comments:
I wrote this while being antisocial by locking myself in my room. I want to say it's a Sonnet, but the rhyming is off, so I don't know what type of poem this is.......

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