Wonder | Teen Ink


November 2, 2012
By ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
ceee_hayyy BRONZE, Romulus, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit here and wonder about you
Wonder what you’re doing up there
Wonder if you’re looking down on me
Wonder if you see my every move
I sit here and wonder about you

Wonder what happened that morning
Wonder what your last thought was
Wonder why this had to happen to you
I sit here and wonder about you

Wonder if you cry sometimes
Wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you
Wonder if our memories ever cross your mind
I sit here and wonder if what they say is true

Wonder if you really are in a better place
Wonder if you’re happy up there
Wonder if it really was your time
All I do is sit here and wonder

Wonder why this had to happen to you
Someone so close to me at heart
Wonder why he took you so soon
All I can do is sit here and wonder…
Wonder about you.

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