red white and blue | Teen Ink

red white and blue

November 4, 2012
By pennpoetry BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
pennpoetry BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I am a poet thats what i am

Red,White,And Blue.
Those colors are for you.

Because of the men and women in those boots.
Fighting for freedom for all of you.

People open up your eyes,and realize.
Many have died,and many have survived.

They have stepped foot on enemy lines.
For all of our rights.

Red,White And Blue.
Those colors are for you.

Those people in the camo.
Are all very thankfull.

For all of the support .
That we have shipped from port to port.

But always remember,Red,White and Blue.
Those colors are for you .

The author's comments:
I wrote this in the time when I didnt really realize what was really going on with the world war.This is for our troops.

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