Festival of Love | Teen Ink

Festival of Love

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

Red and purple cloths
sway with the music.

Hips shake quickly,
even quicker,
as the beat picks up.

He cannot see her face,
only her movement.

Candles and incense burn –
sweet aromas
fill the night sky
with the soft lights
given by the gods
during this
Festival of Lights –

She keeps dancing:
she is celebrating.

Her future is in good hands,
the gods can forgive –
they have mercy.

The gods accept
the peaceful offerings:
food and diyas
to brighten the night,
to fight away the evil
of the year gone by,
to welcome a new age
of light

while his love
slowly drifts
and begins to dance with her.

Love whispers softly
like the burning oil lamps
and spins them around
until all that is left
is smoke surrounding
the red and purple cloths
that sway with the music…


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