Numbers | Teen Ink


May 10, 2012
By H.Kahl GOLD, Orangevale, California
H.Kahl GOLD, Orangevale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, Miss Perfection, slow down. Quit doin' so much, and just be. You'll live longer."-T.N.N (1993-2011).

It started out as a number,
and I watched as it steadily grew.
And with the third figure arose a strange factor-
I discovered fear anew.

So I started off with some research,
to learn what I should try.
Yet I felt unable to take action,
and the girl in the mirror cried.

And I factored in some more numbers.
Each day I learned to count.
I ran and I weighed and I checked and I measured.
Obsessed with the amounts.

And ever so slowly but surely,
I watched my body shrink.
But I found no satisfaction,
and turned my head to the sink.

I relished the feeling of empty, I thought that it gave my control. But my carefully calculated downhill descent
turned in to a desperate roll.

Don't worry about me.
I can't stop, I've tried.
I'll freefall till I hit solid ground,
or until the day that I die.

It started with simply some numbers,
which then mutated in to much more.
So if you think you need perfection
good luck, and welcome aboard.

The author's comments:
Anorexia and bulimia are not a joke. They kill people. It's time the world took notice.

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