The Peacock Story; The Death of the Boy | Teen Ink

The Peacock Story; The Death of the Boy

July 11, 2008
By Anonymous

"I don't feel it yet," the girl said to the peacock as she began to dance. She danced with the flowers and the leaves from the growing trees spun around her. She looked into the mirror and laughed as they lay in the grass. The sunflowers in her eyes danced as she hummed with the bees. The dirt on her feet blended with the earth, taking notice she dipped her feet in the stream. The stream was so happy it turned around and ran the other way giving life to the grass on the other side. Then she remembered the boy on the couch and she turned and he smiled and he began to sing. She thought he was beautiful but the song was sad. He didn't understand. Then she was back, in the living room with the kitchen and the pots that dripped onto the counter. She was back with the girl and the boy and the couch that emitted grey. The ceiling patterns stole her interest as they talked. Then there was the clock again. The clock that rang every hour on the hour to make sure she remembered her precincts and tasks. Then there was the vibrating of the phone again and somebody wanted the TV on. They don't understand. She lost her place in the paradise and entered the world where snow was falling and a tear dropped as she thought.

"is this a waste of time?"

The author's comments:
I hope this inspires thought in any one who reads it

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