In My Eyes | Teen Ink

In My Eyes

January 22, 2008
By Anonymous

I heard her cries
For the first time
Amazed at how she has
Been in her body
For nine months
Nine months that we had to wait for
Her to arrive
I walk in
Watching the nurses handling her
All I wanted was to hold her

My first time holding her
Was baffling
Looking into her
Tiny little face
Knowing one day these short strands of hair
Would be long and beautiful
My fingers twisting
All of it into a beautiful braid
Walking her into school
Gossip to her about her boyfriends
Take the chance and her drive
Let her drive me around
Watching her walk at graduate
Witnessing her walk up the isle
And finding true love
Then reality hit me and I was told to smile
But I couldn’t look up
I didn’t want to take my eyes off her
I got the picture back and it’s me staring into her eyes
And I carry it with me always

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