Lost | Teen Ink


January 1, 2008
By Anonymous


Be careful what you wish for
It might come true
But I finally let go of the fear
Of what you could do
And I wished for you
And I believed it to be true

It’s not that I have nothing to say
But I think I have too much
Every time I try to write
My page always ends up blank
All my thoughts on what this is
I don’t think this “new” you would lend his gentle ear

If she makes you happy
Why are you so sad?
Why aren’t you, yourself?
Behind this cold heart your hiding
If I don’t know you
How can I read you like my own book?

This game you lost yourself in
You think your winning
But you’re only losing yourself
This is a game I won’t play
I play for purity and honesty
Which you no longer have…

Our bridge is burning down to dust
I’m in the river
Holding out my hand
I gave you a chance because I believed
I’m trying to move along
But I keep drowning in those eyes

There’re beautiful
And when I look I see
My cookie lips
Where has he gone?
My heart is map
Please use it , to find your way…


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