Looking out for you | Teen Ink

Looking out for you

October 5, 2011
By JacobKeith BRONZE, Tifton, Georgia
JacobKeith BRONZE, Tifton, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You thought I was just in your business.
You didn’t even hear the part where I said I was trying to look out for you.
I was trying to be good friend
You said I don’t know anything, that I don’t know the whole story.
I apologized; I said I was sorry, and that I didn’t know what was going on.
You didn’t listen to me.

Every day you ignore my texts, you ignore me.
No matter how many times I say I’m sorry, you still say just get out of my business.
I am truly sorry for what is going on.
I really miss you.
I want to tell you the whole story.
I want to be your friend.

I haven’t heard from my friend.
You talk to me
Time goes on
Out of the blue, I see you.
I say “the only reason I was in your business,
Is because you I care for you”. I want to know the whole story.

Days pass, I don’t talk to you, I stay out of your business.
I don’t talk to you, I ignore you.
I assume we aren’t friends.
I give up trying to know the whole story.
Our life’s go on.
Then you text me.

You still don’t tell me the whole story,
But I don’t really care what is going on,
I won’t get in your business
Anymore, I just want to be friends.
Just please forgive me.
I’ll be me, you’ll be you.

This is what it is going to be like as life goes on.
From now on we will be nothing more than friends.
I have forgotten about you.
Your business is nothing to me.
I will just worry about my business, Not yours.

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