Light | Teen Ink


June 26, 2008
By Marisa Kanai SILVER, Mission Viejo, California
Marisa Kanai SILVER, Mission Viejo, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blood in the sky,
An omen painted in the dusk.
Its us versus the Volcano,
In the line of fire,
What is to become of this?

Winter fades to Spring,
The snow melting in rivulets of tears
Leaking from the wounded Earth.
A mirror of misery, reflecting the ghost of Life.
What has been set in motion?

In the candlelight staring at the New Moon,
Shadows fall upon us growing darker.
The shadows creep among us telling tales of better times,
The light snuffed out by the deafening silence.
What has ended?

Sorrow in the aftermath,
In a tempestuous ocean, the Tsunami of tragedy
Is a confrontation with reality,
An enchanting adventure to the other side.
What is there we have not seen?

The broken bones of society,
Cruelty inflicted by each other,
Nature revives us, our redemption.
The test we failed, our fears confirmed.
What have we become?

Blood in the sky,
An omen painted in the dusk.
It’s us versus the Volcano,
In the line of fire,
What is to become of this?

Boom, it erupts,
The innocent condemned.

But with flame, comes light.
Is there hope?

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