Here is America | Teen Ink

Here is America

June 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Here is America
A desolate wasteland
Filled with hunger and
Nuclear bombs. Division,
Derision, and no clear vision.
We have our cloaks of
Wealth and prosperity that
We show to the rest of the world
Through satellite internet and T.V.
That is not so.
No health, no money
No milk, bread and honey.
To them:
America is a superpower.
That doesn’t make a super hero.
She doesn’t wear spandex
And a cape with rain boots.
She does have a secret identity
For all that live in her land.
It’s hidden from us.
Those who again want to see
Her glory, her fame
And love to shout her name
To the heavens with glee.
But could that be?
Will America find
Her former stature?
Will she find the
Happily ever after?
Probably not this century.

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