Three Wishes | Teen Ink

Three Wishes

June 11, 2008
By Anonymous

If I had one wish do you know what it'd be?
I'd wish for a time machine for you and me,
so we could recollect all out memories,
then we could go through all the times we shared,
I'd wish for a time machine for you and me,
so we could see what was meant for us,
so we could see whats in store for us

If I had one wish do you know what it'd be?
I'd wish for the power to change destiny,
so we could be a we for eternity,
so we could keep our love safe from misery,
I'd wish for the power to change destiny
so we don't have to see whats meant for us,
so we don't have to see whats in store for us

If I had one wish do you know what it'd be?
I'd wish to take you with me on that great big sea,
so we could make some new memories,
Then we could finally be free on that great big sea,
I'd wish to take you with my on that great be sea,
so we could see all the treasures that were meant for us,
so we could see all the love in store for us

If I had three wishes thats what they would be,
I'd wish to take you with me on that great big sea,
I'd wish for the power to change destiny,
I'd wish for a time machine for you and me,
But most of all,
I'd wish for you to be with me,
for all of forever,
just you and me.

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