A Glimmer of sterling silver | Teen Ink

A Glimmer of sterling silver

June 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Moonlight glints on silver strands
watching fireworks with command
Horse hooves clatter on hardened ground
while sparks fly all around
A glimmer of sterling silver

Running about with grace and speed
as delicate as a bumble bee
His nose flared and his muscles ready
His main a tangle his head held steady
A glimmer of sterling silver

The brightest stars made his coat shine
With lovely speckling the color of wine
the moon his butler and the sun his maid
with his armor of silver he was unafraid
A glimmer of sterling silver

moonlight glints on silver strands
watching fireworks with command
Horse hooves clatter on hardened ground
while sparks fly all around
A glimmer of sterling silver

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