Not God | Teen Ink

Not God

January 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Atop the mounted mass of men I climb
To beat my chest and long defy the sky
To say my name, for stars decline to chime
With one who blazes bright at night as I.
For truly, who could claim that this be wrong
When here along with no one else I stand
Triumphant in my power’s solo song
Which rings in glory far about the land
So bow your heads to this embodied grace
As I myself will bow (to none but me
Though strange it be, I gaze with human face
Upon the men who only think they see)
For as I stand in laurels over all
I find myself alone, and start to fall.

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on Feb. 3 2010 at 2:44 pm
AbbotRabbit GOLD, Abolana, District Of Columbia
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Favorite Quote:
This poem has great flow and insight.<br /> I really enjoyed it.<br /> Lovely poem darling =]<br /> -Please check out the works that I have posted on here it would be highly appreciated and I think you would greatly enjoy them, Thankk youz-<br /> XxIll tell you Im an orphan after you meet myy familyXx

This poem has great flow and insight.

I really enjoyed it.

Lovely poem darling =]

-Please check out the works that I have posted on here it would be highly appreciated and I think you would greatly enjoy them, Thankk youz-

XxIll tell you Im an orphan after you meet myy familyXx