In My Early Childhood | Teen Ink

In My Early Childhood

January 30, 2011
By indigocascades SILVER, Houston, Texas
indigocascades SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." -James Dean

In my early childhood,
Only fun and happiness mattered.
Never could my joy be shattered
In my early childhood.

And in my early childhood,
I loved my parents with all my heart.
Who knew they’d ever split apart?
When life was music and love was art
In my early childhood.

Things changed, seemed they always had to change.
Fate has a tendency to stop and rearrange.
It takes us away from all that we know
And throws us into places we’d never go.
So I need you now. More than ever.
Can’t I rely on you forever?
And if not, will this love grow?
Love that’s been with me since long ago,
Ever since it first started to show,
In my early childhood.

Things changed, seems they always will
Whether or not my heart gets its fill.
But I have grown; I know more.
And as I atone, I implore:
Will I be happy with all that I’ve done, once I’m dead?
Or am I wasting my days as I wander ahead
Into a sea unfathomably deep,
Ending only with a deathly sleep,
Once time measures the treasures of the memories I keep
Of those golden, wondrous days
When I drifted in a peaceful haze,
Riding in wagons with dragons under the sun’s smiling rays,
In my early childhood.

May my dreams never cease to excite me,
And may adventure never cease to ignite me.
This is all I ask as I make my way through,
Away from everything I saw and felt and knew
In my early childhood.

I make a promise to myself and to the world:
I will never forget who I was.
Who I am.

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