Dying Love | Teen Ink

Dying Love

January 30, 2011
By OpenHeart13 SILVER, Ada, Ohio
OpenHeart13 SILVER, Ada, Ohio
5 articles 7 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it

New at life; New at this
Maybe your not that perfect bliss
stupid, cocky, jock, player
words describing you,
you just don't play fair
what i do for you,
i don't get back
your mean as heck,
you expect me to laugh
i cry at night,
i practice leaving
but what can i do?
your words deceiving
i stay with you,
i put on a fake smile
i laugh when i should,
I'm in denial
your love will kill,
I'm not that tough
one day i will be,
i will leave my stuff
you will find out,
you search for me
i will run
&i trip over my feet
you find me alive,
but barely breathing
you leave me there,
your love killed me


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