Sand Castles | Teen Ink

Sand Castles

January 10, 2011
By amandapacheco BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
amandapacheco BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
So I put my hands up<br /> They&#039;re playing my song,<br /> And the butterflys fly away<br /> Noddin&#039; my head like yeah<br /> Moving my hips like yeah,<br /> And I got my hands up,<br /> They&#039;re playin my song<br /> I know I&#039;m gonna be ok<br /> Yeah, It&#039;s a party in the USA

The crashing waves are as cold as an ice bath, leaving your body numb,
They roll in slowly as the day goes on.
Parents sit out and tan,
While their kids play in the sand.

Taking a lunch break,
Your sandwich is full of sand and your milkshake melts away.
Trying to prevent the ocean,
As the big, dark blue waves rush in.

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