Garden | Teen Ink


January 10, 2011
By amandapacheco BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
amandapacheco BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
So I put my hands up<br /> They&#039;re playing my song,<br /> And the butterflys fly away<br /> Noddin&#039; my head like yeah<br /> Moving my hips like yeah,<br /> And I got my hands up,<br /> They&#039;re playin my song<br /> I know I&#039;m gonna be ok<br /> Yeah, It&#039;s a party in the USA

Starting out with a small, tiny seed,
Slowly growing and developing new features,
Blossoming colors that you can see from a distance,
With a freshening smell that’s unexplainable.

Wondering where this wonderful display came from,
There’s always one thing in mind:
That one person took time to plant, water, and nourish this creation,
But there is always another way to look at things.

That humans are the different kind of flowers created on this earth,
Once started out so small,
Learning and growing to be who we are,
And all together we make this world one beautiful garden.

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